Version (Release 3)

As promised, here’s this week’s update. It is primarily a maintenance release, with updates for a bunch of sites, and support for some new ones that have been recently requested.

You might see an error message from the updater after it downloads this update. I noticed a bug in the new updater that slipped through during Release 1 that will cause the message to be shown at the end of the update process, even if nothing actually goes wrong. It can be ignored without a problem, and the updater has been fixed so that it won’t show up next time.

13 thoughts on “Version (Release 3)

  1. Antony Vickers

    Mangadex just changed domain names from org to cc, so the new site is

    Current build doesn’t recognize and can’t rip.

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      Thanks for the heads-up! There’s a fix on the way coming very soon. In the meantime, you are able to fix it right away using “Tools > Domain Management” to map the new domain to the old one.

      1. Antony Vickers

        So just found out, Mangadex’s plan is for .cc to just be a “temp” domain, and say that they plan to buy back the .org one “hopefully by next week”.

        So, if things go smoothly, they’ll get their old name back, but it might be work keeping both .cc and .org domains programmed in during the next update.

        1. DoujinDownloader Post author

          Interesting, thanks for the details. That’s generally how I handle things already– All old domains are mapped to the same support modules as the new ones, so that will definitely be the case.

  2. Ancalagon451

    I’m in release 4 and exhentai it’s still not working, e-hentai works OK.

    Issue is the same as before, result search don’t appear in the download page.


  3. Charles

    I couldn’t seem to update through the program updater. It kept saying “The updater must be run through Hdoujin Downloader”. Even after clicking on Help > Check for Updates > Download new version
    Downloading the program files through the github link and extracting the files worked fine.

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      That message is no longer present in the newest version of the updater. While older versions of HDoujin Downloader can work with the new updater, it doesn’t go other way– That is, you can’t use the old updater with newer versions of HDoujin Downloader, which I think is what’s happening here.

      If you update manually using the download links from the homepage (as you’ve done), the updater should be replaced and work properly from thereon out.

  4. Tram

    Pls fix, i can’t download all chapter in one manga and add tohomh123,soudongman,
    ,pls, i need manhua, not need H+

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      Phew, this is a lot! You can expect to be working with the next update, but I need some more time for the rest.

      Feel free to harass me if I forget!


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