Version 2024.9.19.0

This release is focused on improving the metadata files generated by HDoujin Downloader.

A lot of the new settings are currently tucked away under Tools > General settings > Advanced, but I’ll start moving some of them into the main interface in future updates.

New defaults for metadata files

Tag namespaces are now preserved by default. If you’ve enabled the “Strip tag namespaces” setting, it will stay enabled.

Empty fields are now skipped when generating the metadata file, so they should appear less cluttered as a result. You can re-enable empty fields by going to Tools > General settings > Advanced, and disabling the Metadata.General.OmitEmptyFields setting.

The ComicInfo serializer now implements ComicInfo Version 2.1. This means that tags will be placed inside of the new “Tags” field instead of the “Genres” field. If you still want them there, go to Tools > General settings > Advanced, and enable the Metadata.ComicInfo.PutTagsInGenre setting.

If you want to use a different version of the ComicInfo spec, you can change the Metadata.ComicInfo.Version setting.

Additionally, “Pages” metadata is now omitted from ComicInfo files by default, because reading the metadata for each image slows down the process considerably. If you want them to be included, go to Tools > General settings > Advanced, and enable the Metadata.ComicInfo.IncludePages setting.

Tag remapping

You can now specify rules used to map tags to other tags. You can use this feature to rename tags, change or remove namespaces, or consolidate multiple synonymous tags into one. These rules can be configured under Tools > General settings > Advanced, Metadata.General.TagRules.

Tag rules are defined the same way they are in LANraragi.

Metadata field configuration

You can now configure which metadata fields you want to include. They are all included by default, but you can disable the ones you don’t want under Tools > General settings > AdvancedMetadata.General.IncludedFields.

Metadata for individual chapters

This is something that’s been requested for a long time: It’s now possible to generate metadata files for each chapter in addition to the manga itself. This can be enabled under Tools > General settings > Advanced, Metadata.General.WriteChapterMetadataToFile.

Configurable scraping depth

Some sites allow you to add search results/favorites/tags/gallery listing URLs, and HDoujin Downloader will extract the individual galleries and add them to the download queue. Normally, only the galleries on the specific page you add will be added to the queue. If you want to add multiple, you have to use the Manga > Add manga from list feature to generate them.

This release adds a global scraping depth setting than can be used to configure how many pages are scraped. It will default to 1, but can be changed under Tools > General settings > Advanced, Downloads.MaxScrapingDepth.

It’s not respected by the majority of modules that support this behavior just yet, so feel free to make requests and I’ll update the relevant modules accordingly.

I ended up rewriting all of the metadata serializers, so everything should be more consistent. Let me know if you have any issues!

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