Buy HDoujin Downloader ❤

Activate HDoujin Downloader to remove the daily download limit, and get unlimited downloads from hundreds of sites!

After placing your order, your license details will be sent by email within a maximum of 12 hours. If you pay with Bitcoin, make sure to include an email address with your payment.

If you have any questions or issues, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Gift cards and Skrill are also accepted. If none of these options work for you, get in touch!

One-Year License: $8.99 USD

Pay with PayPal Pay with Bitcoin

You will receive unlimited downloads for one year, along with all future updates.

Lifetime License: $24.99 USD $19.99 USD (20% off)

Pay with PayPal Pay with Bitcoin

You will receive unlimited downloads for the rest of your life, along with all future updates.

Thank you for your support! ❤️

In addition to the daily download limit removal, all activation types come with the optional beta software Kuroneko Reader and Manga Database.

482 thoughts on “Buy HDoujin Downloader ❤

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      I apologize for the wait! I send each one out myself, and sometimes the notifications are a little bit delayed.

      I just sent them out, so you should have them now! Thanks so much for your support! ❤️

  1. Koroshyia


    Just found out this gem and i made the payment for the full version.

    That being said i did not have any option to include an email so i am wondering how i will receive the full version

  2. Koneko


    When will I receive the download links for the lifetime version of HDoujin Downloader?

    Thank you,

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      As it states above, it can take up to 12 hours to receive your license details. That said, I just sent them out, so you should definitely have them now!

      Thanks so much for your support! ❤

  3. A happy customer

    I’ve been having a blast with your tool, and I thank you for building it. I was wondering if there was a way to support you without having to pay for the full version. As stupid as it sounds, I kind of like the 25 download limit, it helps me not spend a full day on this lol


    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      Hahah, I hear you, it’s really easy to get carried away. That’s one of the reasons I made HDoujin Downloader in the first place.

      I’m really glad it’s been useful to you (in moderation)! If you really want to, you’re welcome to send whatever you want to the support email address (on the “About” tab) via PayPal or whatever means you’re comfortable with. No obligation though, and thank you either way!

      1. Anonymous

        Thank you for your answer, I’ll try to give some money as soon as I can.
        Thanks again for this tool!

  4. Daniel Moses

    do you guys accept 1year payment in $Solana or USDT because gas fees on BTC are insanely high and i used your software to download 1 manga and wanted to download another and it didnt work…..i pasted it but nothing is happening

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      It’s not something I’ve accepted before, so I’d have to look into that. Get in touch over email and we can discuss further; we can figure something out!

      Also: Could you send me one of the URLs you’re having trouble with? I’ll see if I can reproduce the problem on my end and upload a fix.

      1. DoujinDownloader Post author

        What site are you downloading from? There are no speed restrictions in the free/full version aside from rate-limiting on a couple of websites to avoid getting blocked.

        1. n33zuko16

          I experienced errors/failed DL on mangahere, mangabuddy, and mangago.
          But for mangabat it’s okay. It’s just too slow. 1-20+ chaps per DL.
          Do you happen to know what other sites DoujinDownloader is compatible when it comes to DLing comics?
          I’m planning to purchase a year subscription for fullversion of this app <3 It's very helpful!

          1. DoujinDownloader Post author

            Could you send me some example URLs that are giving you errors? I know we’re already corresponding over email as well, so you can send them there if you like.

            MangaBat being slow might just be a result of their image servers being slow, so I’m limited in what I’m able to do for that on my end. But there are some things I might be able to do to optimize download speed in general in the longer term. I’ll take note of this and see what I can do.

  5. Marrrcs

    Any way to add the metadata file to each cbz automatically and copy copy title tags to series?

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      It should be copied into the CBZ archives automatically by default, unless you mean per-chapter. There’s no option for that yet, but it’s something I could add– Let me know if that’s what you want.

      I went ahead and added an option to copy the title field to the series field though– This setting is accessible in the latest pre-release under Tools > General settings > Advanced settings, called “Metadata.General.SetSeriesToTitleWhenSeriesIsUnavailable”.

          1. DoujinDownloader Post author

            Yeah, there’s no way to write per-chapter metadata right now (it’s always for the whole manga), but it’s something that’s been requested a lot. I’m going to try to prioritize adding this– You can track progress by following the issue here.

  6. me

    when i buy the license, the activation key is linked to my email or to my PC? because i usually change devices and operating systems a lot and i would really like to buy the program.

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      I hear you– It’s tied to your email address, not your PC. If you reinstall your OS or delete the program and need to reapply your activation key, you’re able to.

      I’m glad HDoujin Downloader has been useful for you! ❤️


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