Get HDoujin Downloader

HDoujin Downloader is a manga and doujinshi downloader that supports 100+ websites, with new ones added all the time. Just paste the manga URL from your favorite website and download!


  • Portable, no installation required
  • Retrieve and save manga metadata (author, artist, tags, etc.)
  • Track chapters and get notified when new chapters are posted
  • Automatically convert manga to ZIP/CBZ, RAR/CBR, PDF, CBW, and 7Z
  • Tag-based organization system, store your manga however you want
  • Supports downloading by proxy or VPN
  • Monitor the clipboard for URLs and download them automatically
  • Multiple UI languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Indonesian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, and more)
  • Free to use (Free version has a daily download limit)




Download from GitHub:
Download from GitHub
Download from Mega:
Download from Mega

If you’re not sure how to get started, check out the Getting Started guide here.

If you run into any problems or want to suggest a new feature or website, send an email, leave a comment, or make a post in the forum. All feedback is welcome!

4,536 thoughts on “Get HDoujin Downloader

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      A lot of people have requested support for this site, but it’s a little tricky to add because Cloudflare is very aggressive about blocking requests to it from applications other than web browsers. I’ve taken note of the request, but it might take some time to figure out how to get it working reliably.

  1. Vanilje

    This one do not work for ios user right? I have macbook but was not able to open the file

  2. Saya

    Hello! Thanks you for your hard work! I love this program <3
    If it's possible, you can add ? This web is similar to "" but it has some mangas that last one hasn't had.

    A lot of thanks! 😉

  3. Shiro

    Tried to copy-paste this one:
    Half second Hdoujin showing it`s getting info, than nothing happands.
    Adding login and password in settings->logins, or using vpn does not change anything.

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      I just uploaded a fix for Zerochan, so it should be working as expected next time you restart HDoujin Downloader!

      Let me know if you have any other problems!

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      Yup! Both sites have now been added.

      But since Neko Hentai has Cloudflare enabled, make sure you open the site once before downloading in the built-in web browser (Tools > Web Browser). After it passes Cloudflare, you should be able to download from it normally.

  4. HelpmeIjustwanttoread

    Hi, I tried to download from Bato but it seems that the app doesnt registered the link so I can download the content, what can I do?

    I tried with the other site,

    I cant download the site because my country blocked it (it will show “internet positif” instead of its real title on its name). What can I do?

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      I uploaded a fix for the first website the other day, so it should be working now!

      As for the second one, you’ll probably have to use a VPN to get around the block. See here for details.

      If you don’t have access to a VPN and there are other sites you’d prefer to download from, let me know, and I’ll add them!

  5. crindle

    Hello, Really appreciate this program. I wanted to let you know that it no longer works for I think they changed their layout not to long ago and it broke the module.


    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      Was it working for you previously? It seems to still be working fine from my end with the latest release. If you happen to be using the executable-only version, it might be worthwhile downloading and extracting the full program ZIP archive from the home page and trying again.

      If you still can’t get it working, go to Help > Enable diagnostics, and then try adding one of the affected URLs to the download queue. A folder will be created in the same directory as HDoujin Downloader named “log”. Send me the log files that get created in there, and I’ll check it out!

      Thank you for the kind words, by the way! ❤️

      1. crindle

        That fixed the problem! I downloaded a fresh copy, extracted all the files to a new location, and it worked right away. Thank you for your prompt response! I just purchased a lifetime subscription to help support this project. Thank you again!


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