When I type manga database in the start menu and run it, I get a message that activation verification failed. I also get a message saying that "Access to the path 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\config_db.ini' is denied." which prompts me to continue or quit. If I continue, the database does not load. Is there a way to fix this on my end? Manga Database works fine if I run it from the folder it is located in (C:\HDoujin\HDoujin Downloader\modules).
Also, I know that the tile/thumbnail view option for the database is on the to-do list. Is that on the back burner or something that would be coming relatively soon?
One last thing. Is there a way to exclude tags in the search? Sometimes I want to filter out some tags to get more specific results.
A couple questions
Re: A couple questions
Essentially, placing the hdoujin downloader in system path like C:\Windows is a bad idea and causes permission issues with the program.
I'l quote from Squidy taken from this post viewtopic.php?f=6&t=247&p=884&hilit=per ... issue#p884
I'l quote from Squidy taken from this post viewtopic.php?f=6&t=247&p=884&hilit=per ... issue#p884
Also, check out my posts in the Manga Database section of the forum. I do talk about metadata extensively, and mangadb currently supports only V1 of the metadata hdoujin downloader can grab. I think by default, hdoujin creates V2 of the metadata info if the box is checked. At the moment, searching that way won't work. I would personally use custom lists within MangaDB for now.It looks like it's trying to load your login settings from your "system32" folder, and is encountering permission errors as a result (normal programs should not be reading or writing to this directory). If for some reason you're running HDoujin Downloader from this folder, you should move it to a non-system directory where it can write/read it settings files freely (e.g., "Documents").
The gist of the problem is that it's trying to read your settings from a folder it shouldn't be, and the OS is preventing it from doing so. If you move the program to a different folder, that should almost definitely fix it.
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