How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

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How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

Post by Squidy » Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:34 am

HDoujin allows you to organize your downloads in folders based on their tags. Using the tag hierarchy editor, you can specify which tags have priority over other tags, and how the folders should be nested.

Getting Started

First, go to the "Settings > Save to > Metadata" tab. Inside of the "Tags" groupbox, there are various tag-related settings. To enable tag organization, check "Organize manga in folders based on tags". This will enable the "Tag Hierarchy" button, which opens the tag hierarchy editor.


If you start downloading before defining any rules, all downloads will go into an "Unsorted" folder. This folder is used for any content that can't be placed according to your hierarchy settings.

If you open up the tag hierarchy editor, you'll get a window that looks like this:


Let's say that we want to organize our content according to the "yaoi" and "yuri" tags-- "yaoi" content will go to the "yaoi" folder, and "yuri" content will go to the "yuri" folder. To accomplish this, simply add the two tags to the hierarchy by entering into the textbox at the top and pressing enter (or clicking Add):


The order is important! By default, tags will sorted alphabetically, and matched in the same order. If you download a manga that has the "yaoi" tag and the "yuri" tag, the "yaoi" tag will take priority, since it's listed first. But what if you don't want this?

Tag Priority

You can control tag priority by specifying numbers inside of brackets to alter the ordering. To edit a tag, click it, and it will be loaded into the textbox again. To give the "yuri" tag priority, we can give it a priority number of 1, and the "yaoi" tag a priority number of 2:



Okay, so what if we want to refine our organization further? For example, what if after adding something to our "yuri" folder, we want to further divide it between "romance" and "mecha"? This can be accomplished by using subtags. To specify a subtag, add a new item to the tag hierarchy composed of the parent tag followed by the ">" symbol and then the child tag. You can chain together a virtually infinite number of tags in this fashion.

Consider the following:

Code: Select all

Yuri > Romance > Comedy
This means that if I downloaded a manga tagged as "yuri", it will be put into the "yuri" folder. If it's also tagged as "Romance", it will be moved into the "Romance" folder. If it's also tagged as "Comedy", it will be moved in the "Comedy" folder. For a manga matching all of these conditions, the folder hierarchy would look like "Yuri\Romance\Comedy\MangaTitle".

If we add another item to the tag hierarchy:

Code: Select all

Yuri > Mecha > Comedy
Anything that matches the "yuri" tag but not the "romance" tag will be checked against this rule. If it has the "mecha" tag instead, it will be added to the "mecha" folder using the same logic as before.

At this point, the contents of the tag hierarchy editor would look like this:


As you can see, it's not necessary to specify the tags individually (however, there's no harm in doing that if you choose to).


By default, the chain of tag folders generated will be suffixed to your folder formatting string. For example, if my folder formatting string is "[%STATUS%] %TITLE%", then the final path for the manga might be something like "Yuri\Romance\Comedy\[%STATUS%] %TITLE%".

You can override this behavior by using the %TAGSORT% token, which is replaced with the chain of directories starting and ending with a backslash. Maybe you want your content organized by status before tags-- In that case, you could use a folder formatting string like "[%STATUS%]%TAGSORT%%TITLE%".

Any questions? You're welcome to ask!
I'm the admin and developer of HDoujin Downloader.

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Re: How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

Post by virulenz » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:30 pm

How to sort them by language? I tried it with and without % but it wont work.
Sorting by Tags and Subtags is very useful, but the language i want to read is a matter of my current mood for me. ;)

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Re: How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

Post by Squidy » Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:26 am

virulenz wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:30 pm
How to sort them by language? I tried it with and without % but it wont work.
Sorting by Tags and Subtags is very useful, but the language i want to read is a matter of my current mood for me. ;)
Other metadata fields such as language are treated as tags for the purpose of sorting by tags, so you could use the same method here by adding languages to the list (e.g., "english", "japanese", etc.).

That said, an easier way to accomplish this would be to use a folder formatting string (under Settings > Save to > General) like "%LANGUAGE%\%TITLE%". You're free to use backslashes here, which makes it really easy to generate sub-folders.
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Re: How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

Post by 4TdE3VhSvz » Mon Feb 11, 2019 2:00 pm

It looks like tags containg a space arn't suportet. I can't get "Japanese > Mosaic Censorship > Incest" to work.

EDIT: Never mind got everthing to work with some effort.

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Re: How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

Post by Cantiel » Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:07 pm

i've been struggling with this for a while now. i'm mainly downloading from, and tried to set up several tags for easier organisation. somehow, some tags, like incest work fine, while most of the others that i set up still end up in "unsorted". i tried several different variations of the tags, tried using hierachy systems and more, but nothing seems to work. am i just too stupid, or what am i doing wrong?

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Re: How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

Post by Ormion » Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:12 pm

Hey, how do you add a tag that includes a space? I have tried to add "Long Strip", but it is not detected at all.

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Re: How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

Post by sam_animation » Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:38 pm

How can i sort files based on the sites from where I'm Downloading like
1 file is from and another is from which tag do i use so that files goes into folder and files goes into folder and also pls

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Re: How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

Post by Raika » Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:31 am

How do I do an "or" thing or whatever it is called. Like if it has the tag of Lolicon or Small Breasts, it puts them in the same folder. Is that possible?

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Re: How to: Organize downloads in folders based on tags

Post by BeHappy » Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:52 pm

Are we able to sort the them by artist/author?

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