I have found that when downloading a new manga series, it creates the folders and moves the final converted download to the destination just fine, but when a bookmark finds new chapters and downloads it, it generates a fresh new ComicInfo.xml but for some reach cannot move it. I imagine it would need to overwrite the existing one to do that, but is getting stuck for some reason? To be clear, only the comicinfo.xml gets stuck, the chapters actually move. Here is a snippet from the diagnostic logs when this happens, I can't really tell what is wrong from that.
Code: Select all
06:25:25 hdoujin dow [x] An error occurred while moving C:\Manga Buffer\All My Abilities Are Forbidden Spells\: System.IO.IOException: Could not complete operation on some files and directories. See the Data property of the exception for more details.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.FxCopyOrMoveDirectory(CopyOrMove operation, String sourceDirectoryPath, String targetDirectoryPath, Boolean overwrite)
at _QbW6UZ50Cy5TNxYl3SWQK4B5sOA.(FileSystemProxy , String , String )
at _QbW6UZ50Cy5TNxYl3SWQK4B5sOA._v0cD93d9BhlKhy1tjEzS3P2gGQY(_0O8ReKCYBDGJj39XW6F4Qeez7Uj )
I am currently trying to write a middleware script that will send me push notifications for the events, as well as make Kavita scan its library on completion, but I am running into it resulting as an error when that ComicInfo.xml file moving gets stuck. Otherwise its been great and is pairing well with the rest api I made to add manga to the queue!
Any help would be appreciated!