Website " " changed the address to " " add support for the new address.
I also have a problem editing bookmarks. If I change the number of chapters and save them, the changes are not saved.
Here is a gif example

I also noticed a mistake in the story. If I try to follow the link, I get an error.
Here is a gif example

My logs
Code: Select all
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] CLR Version: 4.0.30319.42000
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Framework Version: 4.8.9290.0
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 (64-bit)
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Locale: ru-RU
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Path: %USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\HDoujin.Downloader-2025.1.6.0\HDoujin Downloader.exe
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Working Directory: %USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\HDoujin.Downloader-2025.1.6.0
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Timestamp: 30.01.2025 13:42:03
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Product Version: 2025.1.6
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Available Security Protocols: SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Standalone: False
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Repositories: Internal
13:42:03 hdoujin dow [i] Theme: Default
13:42:03 config [i] applying user settings
13:42:03 config [i] reading download queue
13:42:03 downloadque [i] Loading favicon for
13:42:03 downloadque [i] Loading favicon for
13:42:03 downloadque [i] Loading favicon for
13:42:03 config [i] saving settings backup
13:42:04 config [i] applying general settings
13:42:04 config [i] applying chapters settings
13:42:04 config [i] applying conversion settings
13:42:04 config [i] applying metadata settings
13:42:04 config [i] applying download settings
13:42:04 config [i] applying accessibility settings
13:42:04 config [i] applying chapter selection settings
13:42:04 config [i] applying site-specific settings
13:42:04 config [i] applying login settings
13:42:04 config [i] reading bookmarks
13:42:38 config [i] applying bookmarks settings
13:42:38 config [i] initializing panels
13:42:38 config [i] applying remaining settings
13:42:38 config [i] loading download queue columns
13:42:38 config [!] WinRAR is not installed
13:42:38 config [i] finished applying settings
13:42:38 init [i] registering external module repositories
13:42:38 init [i] registering external module repository "Official Lua Repository"
13:42:38 init [i] loading external modules from repository "Official Lua Repository"
13:42:38 official lu [i] Reading metadata cache from modules\Lua\metadata.json
13:42:40 official lu [i] Saving metadata cache
13:42:40 repositorie [i] Synchronizing repositories
13:42:40 repositorie [i] Synchronizing repository "Official Lua Repository"
13:42:40 official lu [i] Synchronizing repository "Official Lua Repository"
13:42:40 updater [i] Checking for updates in the background
13:42:40 modulemetad [i] Reading metadata from remote repository:
13:42:40 modulemetad [i] Reading metadata from GitHub repository (tree-commit-info):
13:42:40 init [i] Finished initialization
13:43:01 modulemetad [i] Found 301 scripts
13:43:01 official lu [i] Reading metadata cache from modules\Lua\metadata.json
13:43:02 official lu [i] Saving metadata cache
13:43:02 official lu [i] Reading metadata cache from modules\Lua\metadata.json
13:43:02 official lu [i] Saving metadata cache
13:43:02 repositorie [i] Finished synchronizing repository "Official Lua Repository"
13:43:02 repositorie [i] Finished synchronizing repositories
13:47:04 exit [i] Waiting for downloads to stop
13:47:05 settings [i] Saving repository metadata
13:47:05 downloader [i] Writing configuration to config\config.json
13:47:05 exit [i] Writing cookies to config\cookies.json
13:47:05 deinit [i] Disposing services
13:47:05 exit [i] Main window closed