Manga DB - export Rating informaiton

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Manga DB - export Rating informaiton

Post by =DD= » Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:19 pm

Hi Squidy!

I have been cataloguing my manga/doujins in anticipation of the next iteration of the hdoujin downloader modules "Kuroneko Reader" but more specifically "Manga DB".

I am currently using V2 of the hdoujin metadata which gives me a lot of properties to easily search my desired manga within Manga DB. Would it be possible to add "rating info" to the metadata. I am currently using Manga DB to assign a rating using it's in-house star system. However, it won't save rating info because it does not support V2 of the metadata, only V1.

What I'm hoping is, that in the V2 manga info.txt file that automatically generates for there to be an entry called RATING: in which I can assign a pre-defined rating so that when the next iteration of manga DB comes out, the rating info is preserved and automatically shown.

Something like this could work:
TITLE: Oreimo
ORIGINAL TITLE: 俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない
AUTHOR: Tsukasa Fushimi
ARTIST: Hiro Kanzaki
RATING: ★★★★

It does seem that Manga DB supports writing the rating information to the txt file but I'm sure we discussed already it doesn't recognise the V2 metadata and I'm sure I've already submitted a bug to you via email about the info.txt writing within Manga DB is currently broken.

Or perhaps, would you be willing to provide users a way to export the rating information and be able to re-import that rating information in the future? I thought about writing a tool to scrape the information from the manga.db file but it's not entirely human readable so I couldn't do that.

I know it's difficult to to talk about this hypothetical when you haven't re-written the modules yet. I want to be ready so when the modules do get updated, I can just import my manga to Manga DB and have all the information there including the user defined rating.

What are your thoughts Squidy?

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Re: Manga DB - export Rating informaiton

Post by Squidy » Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:04 am

If you're just worried about compatibility between the current manga.db and future versions of the database, there's no need for concern-- I'll definitely add a procedure for importing the old database, so no information will be lost.

I think being able to export fields that only exist in Manga Database to info files would be an interesting feature, though! I'll consider including that in the next iteration of the software. But if you need this sooner than that for whatever reason, let me know-- But as long as it's just a compatibility concern, it definitely won't be a problem!

By the way, it's actually really easy to manipulate the database yourself. It's just an SQLite database, so as long as there's an SQLite API available for your language of choice (which there almost definitely is), you should be able to do whatever you want.
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Re: Manga DB - export Rating informaiton

Post by =DD= » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:13 am

Thanks for the reassurance Squidy!

In that case, it's certainly not required to even have the "Rating:" entry in a info.txt file although I do like the idea of exporting fields that only exist in Manga DB to an info.txt file if the user wanted.

I can continue using Manga Database as my chosen handler for my manga and can continue cataloguing and rating knowing that the manga.db file will be compatible/converted with any future update you may provide.

Thanks for the tips using an SQL browser. It's quite easy to manipulate data on a large scale until these features are implemented in a newer iteration of Manga DB.

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