'Parody' metadata not syncing to Manga DB

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'Parody' metadata not syncing to Manga DB

Post by KingJohnApple » Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:47 am

When creating manga metadata from nhentai, it is properly displayed in the text file. When opening my library in Manga Database, the parodies section is blank for all the doujins. I want to sort my doujin by parody, please help!

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Re: 'Parody' metadata not syncing to Manga DB

Post by =DD= » Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:13 pm

The Manga DB module is still essentially in it's infancy. Squidy has mentioned re-writing the module with more up to date code, but time spent on the main program has prevented him doing that just yet. Check out some of my older posts, as I've talked about metadata within MangaDB and hdoujin downloader extensively.

The MangaDB module currently only supports V1 of the metadata hdoujin provides which unfortunately does not include the category "parody". Currently it only supports TITLE, AUTHOR/CIRCLE, ARTIST, TAGS and DESCRIPTION. So sorting it by parody is not possible at the moment.

To future proof your content, you need to make sure you're using V2 of the metadata format which does support parody and many more. Settings> Save to> Metadata and then click on File Formatting. Choose Hdoujin Info File V2 and make sure "Create file using manga metadata" is checked also. When the MangaDB module does get updated,

I think in the mean time, you could add your content with parodies to a custom list within MangaDB, and then use the search function.
I know there was some talk on the forums somewhere about utilising the program ComicRack to use hdoujin's V2 metadata or to begin creating your own metadata. It can be done, but I have not tested it on my own collection.


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