Manga Database is a manga organization program that optionally comes with the full version of HDoujin Downloader.
– Store information on huge manga collections (features 29 parameters, including artist, author, translator, description, date, etc)
– Import manga information generated by HDoujin Downloader
– Automatically grab manga information from URL
– Sort manga into collections based on any parameter (e.g.: favorites, unread, H, etc)
– Scans folders automatically for manga to add to the library
– Mark manga as chapters of another manga to keep the database clean of any stray chapters
– Windows OS
– .NET Framework 4.0+
If you’re using the full version of HDoujin Downloader, click “Help > Check for Updates > Download Now”.
Hi there~
I started using the full version recently and it working beautifully.
Great app!
Thank you for your support! I’m glad it’s been useful for you! ❤️
Are there any plans to add a new db because is dead.
That’s definitely on my todo list; I know both Manga Database and Kuroneko Reader need significant updates. I’m probably going to add auto-tagging to HDoujin Downloader directly and then carry it over to Manga Database.
No matter what this won’t download. I’m running it as adminstrator and on a non-system drive.
Version 2023.5.6-7
This is a known issue when trying to download the additional modules through the updater. I need to issue a fix, but in the meantime, they can still be downloaded manually– See the workaround described here!
Looking to use this to import a doujin collection I downloaded outside of HDoujin Downloader but unfortunately, I can’t seem to download a copy through the Check for Updates function. I’ve tried running as admin and moving the directory around my PC but it continues to fail.
This is a known issue that requires me to upload a fix fpr the updater (which is used to download Kuroneko Reader/Manga Database), but there is a workaround. Check out the discussion of the issue here, and follow the steps at the bottom.