Supported Sites

The following list is a sample of websites that HDoujin Downloader can download from, but it’s far from complete. Many more sites aren’t listed here, so don’t be afraid to try if you’re not sure! Popular imageboard and art websites are also supported (Pixiv, Furaffinity, Imgur, 4Chan, etc.).

If your favorite website doesn’t work with HDoujin Downloader, submit a request!

SFW websites

17kk, 3asq, aacomic, abandonkittenscans, acqq, academyvn, acelemanga, adultmanga, al-manga, alphapolis, animagoldd, animea, animeai, animextremist, anymanga, authrone, batoto, bezdalfamily, blogtruyen, box-manga, mangahost, bzland, casanovascans, centraldemangas, championscans, chuixue, chuiyao, ck101, naver, comicextra, comicmad, comicmaya, crazymanga, curse-hell, dangniao, deliciousmanga, demonicscans, dm5, dynastyscans, eatmanga, ecchimanga, egscans, epikmanga, eyeonmanga, fascans, fastmangu, fumanhua, funmanga, gameofscanlation, gaosubs, gmanga, gomanga, gomymanga, goodmanga, gravitytales, guromanga, hellocomic, hentaifoundry, heymanga, holylolikingdom, hyassin, ikomik, ikanman, imgchili, isharemanga, iutryentranh, japanshin, japanread, japscan, kingsmanga, kissmanga, komikfox, komikid, komikstation, komiku, kosmik, kukudm, kuman, kumanga, leomanga, lermangas, lezhin, lhtranslation, lonemanga, mabuns, manga-ar, manga-joy, manga-lib, manga-tr, mangavadisi, manga ae, manga anitir, madokami, manga24h, mangabackup, mangabase, mangabb, mangabom, mangabox, mangacanblog, mangacankomik, mangacap, mangacat, mangachan, mangachapter, mangachrome, mangacode, mangacool, mangacow, mangacrazt, mangadenizi, mangadoom, mangadoor, mangaeden, mangaf, mangafever, mangafox, mangaframe, mangafreak, mangago, mangahead, mangahere, mangahome, mangahop, mangaice, mangaid, mangaindo, mangainn, mangakaka, mangakakalot, mangaken, mangakoi, mangaku, mangalator, mangalife, mangamint, mangaonline, mangapanda, mangapark, mangapoi, mangapt, mangareader, mangarussia, mangas br, mangasaurus, mangascouts, mangaseeonline, mangashare, mangashiro, mangashoujo, mangaproject, mangastream, mangatank, mangathai, mangatown, mangatraders, mangaturk, mangavadisi, mangawell, mangayes, manhua-tr, dmzj, marumaru, mentalmanga, mh160, minitoon, mintmanga, mangacow, mtoscans, mymanga, mymangaonline, narutobase, nekopost, neumanga, ngomik, niceoppai, ninemanga, nipponanime, ntruyen, on-manga, openmanga, oremanga, otakumole, otscans, overworld scans, kakao, pecintakomik, pixiv, puzzmos, rawmangaupdate, yagami, readcomiconline, readcomics, shoujosense, readmanga eu, readmanga me, readmangatoday, readpanda, redhawkscans, remanba, s2smanga, sekaimanga, selfmanga, senmanga, serimanga, slideshare, spinybackmanga, spottoon, spoup, submanga, sunday-webry, taadd, tapas, tenmanga, thai-manga, thespectrum, tomanga, truyentranh8, truyentranhonline, truyentranhtuan, tuku, tumangaonline, tumblr, tusmangas, twcomic, umbalamanga, unionmangas, unixmanga, uptruyen, vechai, view-comic, vnsharng, daum, webtoongarden, webtoons, webtoontr, wiemanga, yomanga, yuncomics, zangsisi, zingbox

… and many more!

NSFW websites

1piecehentai, 2hentai, 2th, 4chan, 69ani, 8muses, aerisdies, allhentai, animefootfetish, animehentaimangas, animetor, animephile, aryion, asmhentai, atsuifeet, baidu, baixarhentai, bamtoki, bangcartoons, baramangaonline, bbotoon, bobx, brasilhentai, clickhentai, codegeassxxx, colorhentaimangas, comicsfromhell, comicsporno, comicspornogratis, comixhere, deliciousdoujinshi, dochentai, doujin2, doujin-th, doujindaily, doujinland, doujinlife, doujinloverandgiver, doujinmode, doujinpage, doujinreader, doujinroom, doujins, doujinshentai, doujinshi rocks, doujinshihentai, doujinx, e-hentai, ecchitail, ero-senin, erolord, eromanga-sokuhou,, exhentai, fapdu, ff10hentai, ff12hentai, ff7hentai, finalxxxfantasy, furaffinity, futahentai, futanarispash, g6hentai, gs-uploader, gurrenhentai, h-manga moe, hakihome, hbrowse, hcomicbook, hdarkzone, hellven, hentai-ddl, hentai-free, hentai-id, hentai-ita, hentai-manga, hentai cafe, hentai ms, hentai pink, hental tl, hental2read, hentai4me, hentai4doujin, hentai4manga, hentai4u, hentai666, hentaibeast, hentaibox fr, hentaibox, hentaibunny, hentaibusty, hentaichan, hentaicloud, hentaicorner, hentaifamed, hentaifield, hentaifox, hentaifr, hentaifromhell, hentaigamech, hentaigratuit, hentaihere, hentaihouse, hentaihousext, hentaihunt, hentaii XXX, hentaijuggs, hentailx, hentailxers, hentaimanga biz, hentaimangaonline, hentaimangaz, hentainesia, hentaiporns, hentairead, henairing, hentairules, hentaischool, hentaisd, hentaistack, hentaivn, hentype, hgamecg, hhhhhh, high-hentai, hime-doujins, hipercool, hitomi, hmangasearcher, hotdhentai, ihentaimanga, imagefap, imgur, incesthentai, junkuchan, kimi-h, komikhentai, lolhentai, lookmanga, lovehentaimanga, luscious, ohentai, mahenku, manga12, mangaboxes, mangafap, mangakawaiifeet, manganude, mangaray, mangaseries, mangawindow, mapussy, massivehentai, maturemangas, megahentaicomics, milkyhentai, minihentai, muchodoujins, muchohentai, multporn, mydoujins, myhentaicomics, myreadingmanga, narutohentaigalleries, nhentai, nude-moon, nxt-comics, ohtori, omorashi, overwatchhentaidb, palcomix, pbx wwoec, personahentai, perveden, pinaya center, plentyofhentai, pomfpomf, porncomics, porncmix, pornocomics, pornsource, pornxxxcomics, primehentai, proxer, pururin, r34comics, readhentaidoujinshi, readhentaimanga, readincesthentai, readmangahentai, revistasequadrinhos, ryuutama, sextgem, shentai, simply-hentai, sinnergate, smdc-translations, sohentai, submanga, sukahentai, svscomics, sweetyaoiparadise, thedoujin, thehentaiworld, tmohentai, truyen18, tsumino, underworld-scans, fapworks, vanillahentai, ver-manga, vercomicsporno, vesquare, watchhentaistream, world-hentai, xcartx, xcomics4you, xxcomics, xxxyuna, yaoichan, yaoifox, yaoihavenreborn, yuri-ism, yurimanga, zizki, zkomik

… and many more!

Please note that HDoujin Downloader is not affiliated with any of the websites listed or responsible for the content hosted on them. This list for informational purposes only.

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