Buy HDoujin Downloader ❤

Activate HDoujin Downloader to remove the daily download limit, and get unlimited downloads from hundreds of sites!

After placing your order, your license details will be sent by email within a maximum of 12 hours. If you pay with Bitcoin, make sure to include an email address with your payment.

If you have any questions or issues, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Gift cards and Skrill are also accepted. But if none of these options work for you, get in touch!

One-Year License: $8.99 USD

Pay with PayPal Pay with Bitcoin

You will receive unlimited downloads for one year, along with all future updates.

Lifetime License: $24.99 USD $19.99 USD (20% off)

Pay with PayPal Pay with Bitcoin

You will receive unlimited downloads for the rest of your life, along with all future updates.

Thank you for your support! ❤️

In addition to the daily download limit removal, all activation types come with the optional beta software Kuroneko Reader and Manga Database.

452 thoughts on “Buy HDoujin Downloader ❤

  1. Jman

    This is legitimately a great program, and definitely not what I expected at first. It does everything it promises and even more, and I particularly enjoy how customizable everything is. I’m perfectly fine with the free version, but I plan on buying the full version anyway just to support the creator and any updates or future projects that will be done.

  2. Claudia

    Bought the lifetime license as well. Very useful tool. Can download almost everything: Now waiting for activation details. But I know it´s not easy to handle that manually from experience. 😉

  3. Xavion

    This is amazing and useful program program. I just bought and waiting for Activation key.

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      Just in case you didn’t see it, gift cards for Amazon or Steam are also accepted as a means of payment. If that sounds like something that might work for you, you can send me an email and I’ll get back to you with additional details.

      If that doesn’t work, feel free to email me anyway and let me know a little more about your situation. We can figure out something that works from there.

      Thank you for your interest, by the way!


    Just bought a lifetime license! I think this downloader is a pretty helpful tool, and im glad to support skilled developers like you! 😀

  5. Damon Rycroft

    After playing with the free version until i mostly understood how it works I’ve bought a year licence, Now to just wait for it to come through!

  6. Carl

    I’ve been looking for a program that can do this reliably for a while. The amount of settings you can tweak just blew me away. I’m really glad I found your software! Thanks so much for the time and effort you put into making this.

    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      Thanks you for the supportive words, it means a lot! ♥ I’m really glad you find it useful. If you ever come up with anything you think it’s missing, all feedback is welcome.

  7. Anneng

    Will I be able to download a whole manga and not per chapter?

    Not sure if it’s possible.


    1. DoujinDownloader Post author

      Yes– Instead of adding individual chapter URLs to the queue, add the URL of the page that lists the chapters instead. When you start the download, HDoujin will create folders for each chapter inside of the manga folder.

      If you have any problems, let me know!


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